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Year Five and Six Highlights
This week, Year 5 have been busy with a range of exciting learning opportunities across the curriculum. In Maths, we have started our new unit on decimals and fractions. The children have been exploring the relationship between fractions and decimals, focusing on equivalent fractions and how they can be represented in different ways. As part of our Talk for Writing (T4W) lessons, we have been delving into the features of biographies. The children have created toolkits to help them identify key elements such as chronological order, formal tone and the use of factual information. This will prepare them to write their own engaging and informative biographies in the coming weeks. Finally, in RE, our focus has been on symbolism in Buddhism. The children have been learning about the meaning behind important Buddhist symbols and how they reflect the key teachings of the religion. This has sparked some thoughtful discussions about the role of symbols in different faiths and cultures.
Year 6 have had a fantastic week filled with exciting learning experiences! In Science, they experimented with building circuits, discovering how changing the voltage through the batteries affects the brightness of the bulb. On Friday, we celebrated Comic Relief with a fun dress-up day, where the children came to school dressed as iconic figures and fashions from the 80s, 90s, and 00s. Additionally, our children are diligently preparing for their SATs, working hard to improve their skills and knowledge. It's been a week of creativity, discovery, and dedication!