LangleyPrimary 8891

Assessment/SATS Information

EYFS3The government sets the assessment requirements for children in primary schools.  At The Langley Primary Academy we are about educating the whole child and as such assessments are carried in a way that children are not worried or stressed about them - in fact one child cried because they were over!

In Year One in the Summer Term children are given a Phonics Screening Check which is done one-to-one with a teacher, your child will be asked to read out words (some real and some made-up ‘nonsense’ words) to see if they have a grasp of phonics or if they need more support with their phonics.

The End of Key Stage Assessment (formerly SATS) are in the Summer Term of Year Two through assessments in reading and maths and assessed by their teacher in writing, speaking and listening and science.

Multiplication table checks are held in Year Four through an online test checking your child’s understanding and recall of times tables, up to 12 x 12

Key Stage 2 SATS are in May in Year 6 through a series of paper-based tests in spelling, punctuation and grammar (Spag), reading and maths that are marked externally. Your child’s writing and speaking and listening still will also be assessed by their teacher.