LangleyPrimary 9415

School Day

Our school day is the same for all year groups (Reception – Year 6).

Start time: The day begins at 8:40am for all pupils.

End time: The day ends at 3:10pm for all pupils.

To allow the day to start promptly, Green Drive gate (see below) opens at 8:25 am and the classroom doors are opened from 8:35 am.

To ensure the day runs efficiently and children can maximise their learning opportunities, we request that children are dropped off and collected on time.

Green Drive Gate:

Access to the school is via Green Drive (the pedestrian path between Langley Road and Trelawney Avenue). The gate on Green Drive will be open during the following times:

  • Mornings: 8:25am – 8:50am
  • Afternoons: 3:05pm – 3:35pm

Unfortunately, we are unable to allow vehicular access to families. If a member of your family is registered as disabled then please contact The Office via to discuss possible arrangements.

Time Activity
7:45am Breakfast Club opens - access via Langley Road
8:25am Green Drive Gate opens
8:35am Classroom doors open
8:50am Green Drive Gate closes and Registration closes
12:00pm Lunch (meal and playtime)
1:00pm Afternoon Registration
3:05pm Green Drive Gate opens
3:10pm Classroom doors open
3:35pm Green Drive Gate closed
4:20pm After School Enrichment Clubs end, entrance
via pedestrian gate on Langley Road
5:45pm TLAP After School Club ends

The total time this amounts to in a typical school week is 32 hours 30 minutes