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Year Three and Four Highlights
This week, Year 3 have been working hard on their innovated story map. In Maths, we are learning about reading scales in grams and kilograms. In DT, we have started to design their own bags which would be suitable to carry fossils. Finally, they were lucky to have had a visit from Rabbi Shiv who spoke and demonstrated traditions of Passover. We look forward to an exciting week ahead.
This week in Year 4, we learned about different types of poetry and began writing our own. Children compared the writing, engineering, mathematical and scientific advancements of the Roman and Egyptian empires and created Power Points about our learning. In Science, we used technology to see the behaviour of atoms in liquids and gases and drew our own diagrams. In RE, we learned about the significance of the Last Supper to Christians. We also continued our work creating games using the coding website Scratch and began to study fractions in Maths.