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Year Three and Four Highlights
This week Year 3 have worked hard on their last week of half term. They completed their hot and cold task in Maths, which was length and perimeter and fractions. In English they are drafting a playscript ready for their hot task. In Art, the children recreated work influenced by the artist Elizabeth Catlett.
This week in Year 4, we completed assessments. Children showed admirable focus and determination. In Geography, children compared two mountains – Ben Nevis and Mount Fuji – from current and previous study. We discussed environmental and human factors that help and harm both mountain and humans in their vicinity. In PSHE, we designed healthy meals that are beneficial for a healthy body and mind. We researched and wrote our own non-chronological reports on a variety of topics. In Computing, we used Crumble kits and junk modelling to create our own robots. We look forward to seeing everyone back after half-term break!