Year Five and Six Highlights

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Jan 17, 2025

This week, Year 5 have been exploring fascinating topics across their subjects! In History, we delved into the world of the Vikings, focusing on their geographical origins and homeland. The children learned about the Scandinavian region, the unique landscapes of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark and how these shaped the Vikings’ seafaring culture and way of life. In Computing, the focus has been on understanding the importance of planning a game for a specific audience. The children have been practicing designing games with their peers in mind, thinking critically about what makes games engaging, fun and suitable for their target age group.

This week, Year 6 have been busy exploring a range of exciting topics! In RE, the children continued their exploration of religious artefacts and delved deeper into different creation stories, fostering meaningful discussions and reflections. In Geography, we embarked on a fascinating case study of India, examining its physical features and unique landscapes. Meanwhile, in History, we began our unit on Victorian Slough by analysing and comparing images from the beginning and end of the Victorian era, helping the children understand how the town evolved during Queen Victoria's reign. In Science, the children had a hands-on practical lesson where they created their own lightboxes, enabling them to better understand how light travels and behaves.