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Year Five and Six Highlights
What a fantastic start to Year 5 we’ve had this autumn term! The children have embraced a wide variety of learning experiences, showcasing their curiosity, creativity, and teamwork across the curriculum. History came alive during our trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum, where the children stepped back in time to experience Anglo-Saxon life. From weaving and pottery to understanding daily tasks, these immersive activities gave a hands-on perspective of the past. In class, we’ve expanded this learning by exploring Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, clothing, and the historical fiction text Anglo-Saxon Boy. In Maths, the children have shown great progress, mastering place value, comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000, and transitioning into addition and subtraction strategies. They’ve also tackled real-world challenges during Maths Week, showcasing teamwork and problem-solving skills. The term ended on a festive note with the UKS2 Christmas Show. Year 5 sang their hearts out, filling the room with joy and holiday cheer. As we head into the winter break, we are immensely proud of all the children’s accomplishments and look forward to continuing this momentum in the Spring term.
This week, Year 6 have had a fantastic time celebrating their achievements and getting into the festive spirit. In DT, they baked delicious scones for an afternoon tea, adding a creative touch to their learning. They also enjoyed a festive Christmas dinner while proudly showing off their Christmas jumpers. The week ended with a rewarding celebration of their successes over the term during the reward assembly. Year 6 have worked exceptionally hard this term, making impressive progress in all areas.