Year Three and Four Highlights

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Sep 27, 2024

This week, Year 3 have enjoyed getting stuck into their Prehistory topic. We recapped our prior knowledge of the seven continents by singing a song and labelled a map of the world. In English, we have been learning our new story map 'Stone Girl Bone Girl'. In Science, we learnt about the different types of soil.

This week in Year 4, we continued learning about ancient Egypt. We explored more stories about Egyptian gods and pharaohs and learned about the significance of the Nile River in ancient Egyptian life. In RE, we learned about the Trimurti, and the job of each of the three Hindu gods involved. In Science, we made predictions during our investigation on evaporation – we can’t wait to see the results (and if we were right) next week. We’ve enjoyed adapting more of our learning to devices this week and exploring what’s possible with this new resource.