Year Five and Six Highlights

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Sep 27, 2024

What a busy week in Year 5! Our children have been diving into the world of Anglo-Saxon history by acting out scenes from the book “Anglo-Saxon Boy.” This hands-on approach has helped them better understand the characters and events of the time. In writing, they have been working on creating a historical fiction narrative toolkit, which supports the understanding of characters, setting and plot based on historical facts. Additionally, we’ve been learning about how Islam is practiced around the world. Through stories, videos, and discussions, the children have gained a deeper understanding of the diverse ways in which Muslims observe their faith, from daily prayers to special festivals. This has been a wonderful opportunity for them to appreciate the rich cultural and religious diversity in our global community.

This week in Year 6 has been full of exciting learning experiences! The highlight was definitely the heart dissection, which the children thoroughly enjoyed and found this incredibly enriching for their science studies. During freeflow, the children have made fantastic progress on their projects, sewing organ shapes out of felt with great creativity and skill. In Writing, we’ve been exploring balanced arguments inspired by our book, “Pig Heart Boy,” sparking thoughtful discussions about the ethics related to experimental surgeries.