Year Five and Six Highlights

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Sep 20, 2024

We are thrilled to share the exciting learning experiences our Year 5 children have had this week. It has been a week full of exploration, hands-on activities and valuable lessons that have enriched their understanding. On Monday and Wednesday, the children embarked on an educational trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum, where they had the unique opportunity to step back in time and experience life as it was in Anglo-Saxon Britain. The museum’s immersive environment allowed the children to engage with history memorable way. They participated in various activities that illustrated the daily lives of the Anglo-Saxons.

This week in Year 6 has been both exciting and productive. In History, we’ve been exploring the Tudor monarchy, sparking enthusiastic discussions about famous Tudor kings and queens. In English, the children have been writing diary entries inspired by our topic book, “Pig Heart Boy,” showcasing their creativity and empathy.