Year Three and Four Highlights

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Sep 13, 2024

This week in Year 3, the children have settled well into their new classes and have enjoyed getting to know their new teachers. In Reading we began The Long-Lost Diary of the World’s Worst Dinosaur Hunter and in English we began learning our story map of Stone Girl, Bone Girl. They particularly enjoyed their visit from the dinosaur who wrecked the breakout. The children created posters, to inform the rest of the school and warn them.

In Year 4, the children started the week with a scavenger hunt on the playground to find treasure related to our key text Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs. Students wrote narratives which they transferred into graphic novel format – our text type for the beginning of the term. We completed a lot of cold tasks this week to gauge existing knowledge and spent a fair amount of time learning how to use our devices during learning. It’s been a great start to Year 4 and we’re excited for another fantastic year of learning.