Year Three and Four Highlights

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May 17, 2024

This week in Year 3, we continued learning Christian parables and talked about what morals these teach to Christians. In Geography, we learned about rivers – the Thames and the Chattahoochee – and compared them. In Science, we learned about transparent, translucent and opaque objects and used torches to find examples of each in our classroom. We also started learning about Ruby Bridges, the first child to integrate in a time of racially segregated schools in the United States and began learning a poem about her.

The children in Year 4 have enjoyed another week of learning. In Maths, the have completed work on understanding decimal numbers and are now exploring ways to add and subtract numbers with decimals. In English, the children have completed their hot task on persuasive writing and are beginning to write recipes. In Computing, the children have finished mixing their recordings to make their own music.