Year Five and Six Highlights

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May 3, 2024

This week in Year 5, the children delved into history, creating timelines of the Civil Rights Movement. They explored the significance of key events and assessed the level of equality during each milestone. Additionally, they embarked on a scientific journey, unravelling the mysteries of day and night, grasping the Earth's rotation and its effects. Lastly, our young astronauts completed their voyage through Talk 4 Writing, mastering their text map recounting Neil Armstrong's historic landing on the moon. It's been a week of exploration, discovery, and growth for Year 5!

This week in Year 6, we have been busy preparing for our upcoming SATs. In Maths, we have finished off our Geometry topic by looking at the properties of shapes and constructing nets into 3D shapes. In Writing, we have finished our narratives, improving on the story extract of Darwin’s Dragons. At the end of last week, Year 6 have taken creation stories that they have written up and made a mini book. The children then read them to Reception children.