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Year Five and Six Highlights
It has been another busy week in Year 5. In RE, the children meet a person that practices Buddhism and were taught about how reflection and mediation play a vital role in fostering mindfulness, insight, emotional wellbeing, spiritual development, and a deeper connection to the teachings of Buddha. In Talk for Writing, the children began to translate Shakespearean language into modern day English. The children were amazed to see how much the English language has changed. The children also got to experience and learn about our planet and how it came to be in when visiting the Space Dome in The Langley Acxademy. They experienced different images and smells – not enjoying the smell of how the Earth used to smell (sulphur).
This week in Year 6 we have continued to expand our knowledge. In Science we have been investigating the properties of shadows and the factors that determine their size. They had great fun making the various different shadows puppets with their hands! In Writing, they have now started writing a newspaper article as if they were a journalist in 1947. This has been linked to our history learning about the outcomes of the partition and how it is still affecting people to this day. All Year 6 children have been given revision books for both English and Maths. We will be setting homework from these that they will need to complete as well as bringing both books in every day.