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Year Five and Six Highlights
It has been a busy week in Year 5. The children have started to research about William Shakespeare and his achievements. It has been great to see their enthusiasm and what they have found out about the Bard of Avon. In RE, the children have begun to understand what Buddhism is. They learnt about the origins of the way of life and what it means to a Buddhist. On Thursday, the children celebrated World Book Day by learning about Alice in Wonderland. They created artwork inspired by the story and our ‘Take One Picture’ artist Marc Chagall. It was a fantastic to see how the children interacted and were able to share their favourite book with their peers and with the Year 1.
This week in Year 6 we have been busy with various activities. Firstly, we have been finishing our non-chronological report on national animals from commonwealth countries. We have also celebrated World Book Day where teachers have dressed up as characters from Alice in Wonderland.