Nursery and Reception Highlights

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Mar 5, 2024

Nursery have had one of the busiest weeks we have had this year. On Tuesday, we had a special arrival. Five duck eggs arrived at the Nursery in an incubator. One of them had hatched already! We named him Rolo. On Wednesday, all of the other eggs hatched! We were even lucky enough to watch 3 of them hatch live! Alongside this, we enjoyed our Alice in Wonderland world book day and our Spring concert performance of Spring Chicken.

It has been a busy week for Reception. On Tuesday it was our 101st day of school! The children used their 10p coins that we had been working on in Maths to spend in the shops in school to buy all the things we would need to create ears, collars, tails and anything else we could think of to make us more dog like! We finished the day with a biscuit treat and watched 101 dalmatians. On Thursday it was world book day, and the children came to school very excited in their pyjamas and costumes. They listened to stories throughout the day read to them by their teachers.