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Year Five and Six Highlights
It has been another busy week in Year 5. On Monday, the children took part in an Arabic drumming workshop. One of the children said, “I really enjoyed this lesson because we were able to learn where the instruments were from and how you were able to use the instruments”. It was amazing to see how much the children engaged in the workshop and how it enhanced their knowledge of music. We also started to read our key text “The Golden Horseman of Baghdad” and it was wonderful how gripped the children are with wanting to know what happens next.
In our first full week back, Year 6 have started several new exciting topics and a new book – Now or Never, A Dunkirk Story. In Maths, we have concluded our converting units and moved onto ratios. In Writing, we have been looking at recounts from the perspective of someone serving during WW2. On Monday, Bowie class celebrated David Bowie’s birthday where they came in dressed as musicians and completed various musical activities.