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Year Three and Four Highlights
Year Three
This week in Year 3 has been another busy week. In Maths, the children have continued their work on fractions. In English, the children have begun to innovate their text map so they are able to write their own playscripts about Rosa Parks. In Science, the children have designed posters about how to stay safe in the sun. In Geography, the children went on a virtual fieldtrip to Georgia to explore the physical features. They then design a booklet to compare Slough to Georgia
Year Four
This week, the children have enjoyed another week of fun learning. In English, the children have been studying Marcus Rashford and are starting to plan for their own writing about persuading someone to be the best that they can be. In Maths, they have tackled decimals, by ordering and comparing them. In Science, the children have been learning about the ear. There have made comparisons between Scotland and England and are making good progress with their Free-Flow projects.