LangleyPrimary 9605

Slough Cultural Education Partnership

The Arbib Education Trust is a lead member of the Slough Cultural Education Partnership.

Slough Cultural Education Partnership -  Vision: 

For all children and young people in Slough to take part in and enjoy culture, heritage, and the arts. We want this participation to be with local, regional, national and international partners and for it to be sustainable. Above all, our vision is for culture, heritage, and the arts in Slough to help the children and young people achieve and be happy, creative, and productive and prepared for a positive future.


The purpose of the group is to create an evidence-based strategy, supported by funding, that will shape the future of arts, cultural, and heritage provision for children and young people in Slough, increasing access, ensuring high quality, and supporting their health, social and economic needs.

Partners include:

Aik Saath, Artswork, HOME Slough, Reading University, Resource Productions, Slough Borough Council, Slough Museum, Slough Music Hub, The Arbib Education Trust, The Arts Excite CIC, Youth Engagement Slough Consortium.

About LCEPS: 

Local Cultural Education Partnerships are place-based groups who care about improving the lives of children and young  children through culture and the arts.  Members come from different sectors including education, social care, housing, health, arts and culture.  You can find out more here.